All collages are handmade, simply with scissors, glue, old magazines and brochures. A cut-up fairytale world, multilayered, cheerful with a sharp edge. Inspired by colourful sixties figures, Brussels surrealism and child memories. Mixed with ecological, society critical or feminist hints. Words placed associatively that collide or attract.
Like a ‘Green Fairy’ fluttering on absinthe, but always with lots of love.
Comin soon Expo ‘Memories through Layers‘ 10-20 April 2025, Maison Stepman, Boulevard Leopold II 250- 1081 Koekelberg (Brussels)
For this exhibition, The Green Fairy highlights a journey to Egypt, where she discovered not only the architectural grandeur and unique history of ancient Egypt, but also Egypt’s contribution to the film industry—known as Hollywood on the Nile during the 1940s, 50s, and 60s. It was a time of unparalleled creativity and artistic freedom, featuring sensual Egyptian actresses—without clothing restrictions—in leading roles, creating masterpieces in Arab cinema.
Silke Krohn (The Age of Collage)Collages can separate things that belong together, unite the disparate; it can maximize artistic freedom but can also mean limitations; it can be a political pamphlet, pure fantasy or more realistic than reality.
Hannah Höch (Dada)Schnitt mit dem Küchenmesser Dada durch die letzte Weimarer Bierbauch-kulturpoche Deutschlands,1919