All aboard! Expo collages and circles about travelling and holidays

The title of the collage exhibition ‘All aboard!’ refers to the great desire of many people to be able to travel again after all the travel restrictions there have been in recent months because of the corona pandemic. The title also refers to the location of the expo, Gare Maritime, the former monumental railway freight station on the Tour & Taxis site in Brussels that has recently been renovated into a contemporary covered city district. Covering an area of 4 hectares, the Gare Maritime was, around 1900, the largest railway freight station in Europe with, among other things, a direct train connection to the port of Antwerp from where boats departed for distant destinations.
All aboard! is a call to alert passengers to board a ship, train, plane or bus that is about to depart. The association with “get here fast or you’ll get left behind!” also reflects the feeling that it is “now or never” to get out and about this summer. The circles that feature prominently in this expo refer to “pilottomatico” a side project of The Green Fairy in which the collage artist collects “circles” in public spaces and has been publishing “a circle of the day” every day for almost 800 days, like pebbles on a mapped route to unknown destinations.
The exhibition will be shown on the windows of the empty shop spaces in the central hall of the Gare Maritime (rue Picard 11, 1000 Brussels) and complements the summer cultural programme ‘Summer of T&T’, which will run all summer long on the Tour & Taxis site.
From July 15 until August 31th 2021, open from 6am to 8pm
Central hall, Gare Maritime, rue Picard 11, 1000 Brussels (site Tour & Taxis)